St Thomas Community News | Park Improvements


Park Improvements

2016-01-30 11.40.53
Cllrs Hannah Packham & Paul Bull , with Ben Bradshaw MP , pitched in on the day to help plant some of the trees

The Bloom In St Thomas Group will be entering St Thomas into the Royal Horticultural Society Pennant Award scheme in 2016.  As recommended by the RHS Judges in 2015, in the overall assessment of the St Thomas entry, the group wishes to develop a tree and nature trail to include Cowick Barton Playing Fields, Pinces Gardens, St Thomas Pleasure Grounds and St Thomas the Apostle Churchyard.

The Tree Trail is being designed by members of the community who are providing their time. As part of the tree trail local residents have expressed a wish to plant two Lucombe Oaks, one in Pinces Gardens and one in Cowick Barton.  The group would also like to be able to develop and extend the existing wildflower plantings in Cowick Barton and Pinces Gardens, and develop new plantings in the Churchyard and St Thomas Pleasure Grounds. Councillor Rob Hannaford , who has backed these initiatives and projects with a £2,490 grant from his delegated community funding from Devon County Council adds “ We are exceptionally lucky in St Thomas to have a such a strong sense of community sprit, and so many wonderful people , such as those pulling together all this excellent work , and again I want to pay a real public tribute to all of them.”